OUCHnet is built on absolute free speech with a few exceptions:
- No child pornography talk or distribution
- No network attacks or spamming
Everything else is left up to the channel owners specifically and OUCHnet as a network does not censor free speech. Channel owners may censor or add additional rules if they desire
Official OUCHnet support forum is located on our discourse
Policy updates and discussions happen here
We provide a couple different round-robin domains or you may connect to one of the servers directly
Domain | Ports | TLS | IPv6 | Location |
irc.ouch.chat | 6667,+6697 | Yes | Yes | Worldwide |
us.ouch.chat | 6667,+6697 | Yes | Yes | USA Servers only |
An offical thelounge web client is also hosted here
Server List
Domain | Ports | TLS | IPv6 | Location | Admin |
lorddank.ouch.chat | 6667,+6697 | Yes | Yes | New Jersey, US | blackbeard420 |
rivendell.ouch.chat | 6667,+6697 | Yes | Yes | Illinois, US | Glorfindel |
sabaton.ouch.chat | 6667,+6697 | Yes | Yes | Sweden | LexFerenda |
updated tls fingerprints can be found on the tor instructions post linked below
OUCHnet TOR usage policy and connection instructions have been updated here
Official OUCHnet channels
- #ouch - general chat
- #help - OUCHnet help
Unofficial Channels
The following are not operated by OUCHnet staff but are popular channels on the network
- #guns
- ##guns
- #thc