
NickServ handles operations involving nicknames

  • Registration
  • Login
  • VHosts

Generally nick registration is recommended as it enables you to register channels, get/set flags, etc.. via ChanServ and keeps your nick safe. A valid email is not required. To reset or change your nickserv password without a valid email please ask in #help for assistance


Registering your nickname on ouch is simple and does not require a valid email address.

/msg NickServ REGISTER bar

Will register nick bar with email


The two most common ways to login to nickserv upon connection on OUCH are password forwarding and SASL

Password Forwarding

To use password forwarding ensure you are using TLS and set the server password to your nickserv password. OUCH servers will forward the password to NickServ


To use SASL ensure you are using TLS and set your client to use SASL with your nickname and nickserv password


To manually identify once connected with your nickname use:

/msg NickServ identify <nick> {password}

nick is optional as long as your current nick matches your nickserv account


To Enable nick enforcement (not allowing someone to use your nick if you are not online) enable the ENFORCE flag.

/msg NickServ set enforce on

Once enabled if someone connects and uses your nick, they have 30 seconds to login or their nick will be force changed