
ChanServ handles all channel related services

Channel Registration

To register a new channel make sure you are registered and signed in with nickserv

/msg ChanServ register #channel

ChanServ commands

By default (unless you turn FANTASY flag off in chanserv for your channel) any line prefixed with ! is forwarded to chanserv as a commnd. For example typing !kickban RandomNickname {reason} will kick and set a ban on RandomNickname's hostmask with reason being optional. Without the FANTASY flag you would instead message ChanServ directly like so /msg ChanServ kickban #channel RandomNickname {reason}

Kick/Banning users from your channel


kick simply kicks the user from your channel via chanserv. Not very different from using a direct /kick as a channel op. Takes an optional reason

/msg ChanServ kick #channel RandomNickname spamming


kickban sets a ban on the specified users hostmask and then kicks them.

/msg ChanServ kickban #channel RandomNickname spamming


ban similar to kickban but does not remove the user after setting the ban

/msg ChanServ ban #channel RandomNickname spamming


unban removes a ban

/msg ChanServ unban #chat *!*@*.host.mask