Incident Reports

2023-07-04 spam wave hit our network and many others. Many opers were offline at the time leaving a large spam hit. Once opers were back filters were in place and auto nickserv registration was disabled briefly. Some channels set the +R flag to prevent unregistered users from joining. After a few days passed and the gline list built up the spam wave stopped. We have since enabled an improved regex filter module to allow us to catch more spam on demand. Also as a reminder their are chanserv flood protections you can enable for your channel which will kickban flooders. During a spamwave the best practice would be to set channel mode +s (which hides your channel from /list and /who). Now for the future we are far more protected from this sort of attack as we have the proper modules in place ready to go. We did not origianlly have filter modules because we want complete free speech but have found it useful in network wide spam attacks.


Early in the moring had lost linkage with the network. This was resolved around 08:00 EST. Atheme Services were also updated this morning as well causing a 5 minute outage of nickserv, chanserv, etc... and were officially removed from the network due to lack of traffic and low user counts for now.


Around 19:00 UTC the server hosting services (nickserv/chanserv/etc..) was migrated. During this migration a disk failure occured. This failure uncovered an issue in our fallback linkage for the server nodes. I attempted to restore operations quickly when i was made aware by correcting linkage issues. Due to personal work conflicts i was unable to restore services fully until 01:00 UTC. This issue should not happen again and uncovered a weakness in our redundant linkages that is now fixed. Thank you for your patience.

  • blackbeard420